About Me
Hi. I'm Kimberly Davis, the Founder and CEO of Trouvaille Travel International. The vision for Trouvaille as a conscious luxury travel brand was based on my two previous careers as a cultural anthropologist and as a mental healthcare consultant and coach. I founded the company out of my passion in both of those careers for authentic human and cultural connection as a means to create both personal and global awareness. I witnessed the power of travel, and the wonder it can engender, as a means to push us outside of our comfort zones to create empowering, affirming and transformative experiences. I have stayed in $5/night hotels with bedbugs, and $5000/night hotels with butlers (mostly preferring the latter). I have hiked across the Andes, snorkeled with sharks in Belize, cooked curries in Sri Lanka, and been blessed by monks in Cambodia. Throughout all of those experiences and others, I found that stepping into an adventure with curiosity, compassion (for myself and others), and a little touch of fearlessness, allowed me to discover a whole other side to myself and the world that I often did not anticipate. In short, travel has allowed me not only to discover other places and people and cultures, but also myself in the process.
Will you join me on that journey? If you do, what will you discover?

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” --Anthony Bourdain